vital statistics
- Rome
- 60 million
- Italian
- Euro
Divine art, Renaissance history, fashion, pasta that’s better than – well, you know – even more art. We’re all familiar with Italy’s attractions and allure – and even if there was any doubt, there are multiple shelves at the local bookstore dedicated to tomes regaling the joys of spending a year learning Italian in Tuscany while falling in love to remind us.
From porn stars to political scandal, the Italians don’t believe in doing anything by halves. Moving between north, south and central Italy you’ll encounter everything from designer-fixated cool cats and effervescent, pseudo-charming Romeos to “eat, eat” nonnas and every type of person in between.
Don’t let the hordes discourage you; Florence, Venice, Lake Como and the Amalfi Coast are all popular because they are worth it. Travelling in the off-season may help, but ‘discovering’ enchanting villages like Chiusa in the Dolomites or the tiny island of San Pietro in Sardinia will make you feel as though you’ve found another country entirely. In summary: tutti bene. It’s all good.