
Beat Out Your Disagreement at an Andean Fight ClubChumbivilcas, Peru

Peruvians prefer to work out their differences head-on, and there’s no better time to wipe the slate clean than just before the new year. People don’t come to the high-altitude Takanakuy festival (usually held on 25 December) to hold hands and sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ – they get straight to the point with an all-out scrap.

Romantic disputes, stolen llamas and trivial gripes are all fair game in this cathartic airing of grievances. Considering this is how many drunken new year celebrations end up back home, they probably have a point.

You won’t have to pay a cent to watch this unrestrained brawl, although you might want a good hug afterwards.

Tags: new year, peru

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